But surely, beauty does boost one's self-esteem isn't it?
It's quite simple to comprehend this theory. Just imagine you are wearing your own favourite piece of dress, or that you managed to tangle yourself out of those bad hair days, or you had sufficient undisturbed sleep throughout the whole night hence waking up happy and refreshed.
Don't all these make you well, feel.. HAPPY AND CONFIDENT? Even if it lasts only for a day...?
Now, before you make an ASS of U and ME (A-S-S-U-M-E) , I would also like to disclaim that I have not undergone any plastic surgery before, be it minor ones such as double eyelid surgery (although I wish I had the $ and courage to!).
So, let's start.
Cosmetics are not permanent, unless you head for cosmetics surgeries, which then would be branded with all sorts of negative connotations like "Fake", "Plastic", "Unnatural" etc...
Plus, there are detrimental effects of plastic surgeries for post-surgeries as well as in the future. You heard of bleeding, wounding, losing one of your senses and even DEATH (!!!). You heard that it might backfire, reverting to its original form and worse still, reverting to a look worse than the original form. You have known of people having saggy skin, wrinkles, fine lines, droopy eyelids, nose fillers making the nose look weird (some sort like MJ - No offence though), botox leaving bulldog face and skin... Not to mention those ladies (or men!) who are obsessed with plastic surgeries...
Take a look at these pictures!
Plastic surgeries GONE WAAAAYYYY TOO WRONG!!!
What's your take? I do think that they look SOOO much better before undergoing the knife...I meant KNIVES. These are seriously plastic surgeries gone wrong!
Closer to our hearts would be celeb local bloggers...
It is the intention of those who have undergone surgeries to beautify themselves. They may be less appealing than before (that's why they want to beautify themselves right?) but depending on how you judge, as mentioned, I do think that some should have never gone for plastic surgery. Spent a bomb (maybe sponsored?) and yet turned out disastrous. Imagine the double blow, or blows amplified when others slam you?
Plus, it's really difficult to be a human being sometime. While you can please some people, you will never be able to please everyone.
Denying getting a plastic surgery done, you get named as fake, liar what not and with the sudden surge of photos flooding of Before and After pictures, just like the above.
Putting on a brave front, admitting that you have tweaked your looks here and there, you still get criticised as fake....
SIGH. Ohwells.
My discontent
The areas which I ain't contented most would be my single eyelids. I think getting a double eyelid surgery done is not a big hoohaa. What's the big deal anyway? Would people judge you differently if you smack on those double eyelid sticker tapes? Or falsies? Eyelash extensions (a chill ran down my spine when I recall the recent terrible experience I had)?
The second dissatisfactory area which tops my chart would be my under bite. (Read here if you have no idea) I developed this under bite problem ever since I was young and I remember not treating it earlier when my cousin, who is now one of the top-notch dentist in Singapore, advised me that I actually have to undergo a jaw surgery. I would think it is now called chin augmentation? So yes a decade plus passed and here I am lamenting on my stupid under bite. :(
Whether one has to undergo a jaw surgery would depend on how serious the under bite is. Invisaligns and braces might be able to solve the problem if it's a minor under bite. The severity is best judged by a professional dentist. Since my cousin's advice was rendered to me a million years ago, I guess undergoing a jaw surgery is now a must. :(
I think I still look acceptable la, except for the dark circles...And I look the same as my 100% bare face.
Don't believe? Look at the picture below.
Not much of a difference in looks right? Maybe an oilier t-zone? LOL.
Remember, specs always comes in handy for a disguise :D And I think I can still easily pull of as a JC student... Okay fine, to be fair, an undergrad at least! :P The cleaner auntie told me that initially she'd though I was only 18 to 19 years old... I knew she was only pulling my leg... Because I almost fell off my seat... Laughing hard... Geddit? Pulling my leg causing me to fall off my seat? :P
I used to be afraid of heading out without any make up on and I still do. I guess that's the detrimental effects after you start using make up. But I'm slowly letting the fears go and keeping to minimal makeup during days which I'm not heading out. They say natural beauty is the real beauty, which I must agree of course.
So, what's your take? Are you for or against plastic surgeries? Are you contented with your looks? Are you afraid of letting others view you without any make up on?
Share your thoughts here! :D
Thanks for reading! <3
But surely, beauty does boost one's self-esteem isn't it?
It's quite simple to comprehend this theory. Just imagine you are wearing your own favourite piece of dress, or that you managed to tangle yourself out of those bad hair days, or you had sufficient undisturbed sleep throughout the whole night hence waking up happy and refreshed.
Don't all these make you well, feel.. HAPPY AND CONFIDENT? Even if it lasts only for a day...?
Now, before you make an ASS of U and ME (A-S-S-U-M-E) , I would also like to disclaim that I have not undergo any plastic surgery before, be it minor ones such as double eyelid surgery (although I wish I had the $ and courage to!).
So, let's start.
Cosmetics are not permanent, unless you head for cosmetics surgeries, which then would be branded with all sorts of negative connotations like "Fake", "Plastic", "Unnatural" etc...
Plus, there are detrimental effects of plastic surgeries for post-surgeries as well as in the future. You heard of bleeding, wounding, losing one of your senses and even DEATH (!!!). You heard that it might backfire, reverting to its original form and worse still, reverting to a look worse than the original form. You have known of people having saggy skin, wrinkles, fine lines, droopy eyelids, nose fillers making the nose look weird (some sort like MJ - No offence though), botox leaving bulldog face and skin... Not to mention those ladies (or men!) who are obsessed with plastic surgeries...
Take a look at these pictures!
Plastic surgeries GONE WAAAAYYYY TOO WRONG!!!